Why Students Choose Andrews Online

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Jones Tuufuli

I chose Andrews because I heard of its quality Adventist online education. 学生的支持对我很有帮助,给了我建议,使我能够完成作为一个忙碌的牧师的所有工作. I have learned so much from my classes, and I apply what I have learned to Bible studies, community outreach, and homeless ministry. 我在bet365中文学到的东西赋予了我力量,让我对耶稣和他想让我们做的事情有了更深的了解.

BA Religion, Colorado

Day Day

我选择bet365中文在线作为一所复临大学,帮助我为服务和永恒的生活做准备. I could study while being present at home. I could flexibly schedule study around other commitments. bet365中文大学的教职员工和其他学生给了我很大的帮助,我从课堂上学到了很多东西. My relationship with God has grown stronger, and I share what I have learned with church and community members.

BA Religion, North Carolina

Melody Page

As a busy pastor's wife, bet365中文在线为适应我的日程安排做出了调整,让我有机会进入一个在线社区,在那里我可以表达自己的想法,互相学习. 我很幸运有一个在线顾问,他不仅对我的学位完成感兴趣,而且对我个人感兴趣. To succeed, be invested in your own education, be disciplined, 和那些相信你并鼓励你坚持下去的人在一起. Keep your goal in mind and take advantage of the online support. It made a huge difference for me.

BS General Studies, Michigan

Schkara Green

My Andrews MPH online program is workable, feasible, and organized. The program brings to life the dream of the student in all forms possible. Being able to study outside in the fresh air makes my day worthwhile. God bless this noble institution!

MPH, Nassau Bahamas

Joshua Tsai

Having attended multiple universities, 找到能满足我独特目标的课程来完成学位一直很困难. However, with the help of Andrews Online advisors, I was able to create a complex plan, achieve my graduation goals, and get accepted into dental school. 我非常感谢bet365中文在线为年轻人提供的真正特殊的支持, ambitious students like me.

BS General Studies, Taiwan & California

Denon Woodhouse

bet365中文在线让我远离寒冷的冬天,与家人在一起! bet365中文在线学习加强了我的精神生活,帮助我与有信仰的人和没有信仰的人讨论. 非盟的教职员工不仅关心我们的学业成就,也关心我们的心理健康, and mentor us in our relationship with God; they want us to thrive in this world and the world to come.

BA Religion, New York

Erin Mortensen

当我在寻找一个地方完成我的学士学位时,一个朋友推荐了bet365中文在线. 我非常感谢多年前在bet365中文获得的学分以及许多转学学分都包含在我的个人学位完成计划中. 作为一个有两个孩子的全职妈妈,能够按照自己的节奏生活对我来说非常重要. Online classes allow me to study while still being present with my children. 非盟在线的工作人员非常乐于助人,对问题或请求的反应很快. While studying at AU, I feel supported and heard. The hardest part about studying online has been time management, balancing the demands of school, work and family all at the same time. My experience with Andrews University online has been wonderful every step of the way.

BS General Studies , Canada

Yana Stoyka

What I really like about Andrews Online is the flexibility. I can start on assignments weeks ahead if needed, and no matter where I am, the helpful AU Online team can be reached. What I've learned in class has improved my everyday life. For example, 通过我的传播学和心理学课程,我学会了如何更好地与人沟通. Getting to know and work with other students in online classes has been great. 对我来说,bet365中文在所有课程和支持服务中都融入了信仰,这一点非常重要.

AS Business , Washington

Ose Cherenfant

Andrews Online has afforded me the flexibility to rearrange my schedule to my liking, not the other way around. With all the knowledge I gained in classes, I have begun to teach others. I share what I'm learning with my brother, my pastor, and in Bible studies I give online and at my church. 当我教育我周围的人,我说自信,因为我的bet365中文在线教育.

Religion, Florida, USA

Charmaine Janvier

Attending AU online has been a wonderful Adventist higher education experience. 我已经能够给商界朋友提供商业管理建议,并做出更明智的投资决策. The students and faculty are compassionate and helpful. Andrews University online is helping me achieve my study goals! while continuing to live in New York.

BS Business Administration, New York

Gideon Osei

Originally from Ghana, now serving in the Military, 我选择了bet365中文大学的在线兼职学习,因为它对工薪家庭来说方便,而且相对便宜. I appreciate most the rapid response of email conversations with AU faculty and staff. If you are considering such a program with AU online, I'll say it is the right place for it is a recipe for success and peace of mind.

BA Religion, California, USA

Antonius Saparinus

While pastoring in Jakarta, I am studying part-time. 我很感激学习中心是全天候可用的,我的财务顾问给了我很多帮助. 国际学生的师生神学院论坛真的给我带来了学习所需的所有“兄弟般的爱”和支持. 我明白了,作为一名领导者不仅要知道在任何需要的情况下该怎么做,还要知道如何思考, say and act like Jesus Christ our one and only true leader.

MA Religion, Jakarta, Indonesia

Bianka Rinko

I chose Andrews University because my sister lives near campus. 今年由于冠状病毒,我们不能搬到美国,我选择了在网上开始我的学习. I most appreciate that my teachers are faithful Seventh-day Adventists, who share their faith in God with their students. 从我的老师那里得到鼓励、祈祷和安息日的问候是一件很棒的礼物. 除此之外,所有的学生支持者都很有帮助,尤其是我的学术顾问.

BS General Studies, Hungary

Richard Lydick

Andrews online allows me to earn my degree while I am in the Navy. I appreciate the professors and support at Andrews; they are ready to help. 要想成功,就要腾出时间去上课——你只会从你投入的课程中得到回报!

BA Religion, Japan

Tran Tran

I chose Andrews online firstly because it is tailored to my schedule. Faculty are highly qualified and caring. The learning group is supportive. The annual on-campus roundtable is well organized, beneficial and enjoyable. All my concerns are handled by faculty and staff in a thoughtful manner. 当你感到精力不足或动力不足时,与你的导师和学习小组保持联系.

PhD Leadership, Vietnam

Victor Carreiro

我选择bet365中文大学是因为它在基督教世界观背景下的教育质量和奉献精神. Despite being thousands of miles away, 老师们参与到学生们的活动中来,顾问们在帮助我们走向成功方面提供了令人难以置信的帮助.

BA Religion, Washington, USA

Karen Lifshay

我在bet365中文的经历让我更加自信,我可以完成我开始的任务,而完成任务的一部分就是向别人学习,让他们在这个过程中帮助你. 我已经成为一个更全面的人,因为我参加了各种各样的学习活动,并鼓励我以开放的心态对待每一个活动. I am in awe that my graduation is really happening!

BS General Studies: English, USA

Amanda Sanders

bet365中文在线为我提供了基督教的视角和支持,我需要以两个学位毕业. To succeed, 在学习上保持一致和自律,充分利用bet365中文大学的在线资源.

AA in Personal Ministries & BA in Religion, USA

Samuel Tsegai

Although I was accepted to Adventist universities in other African countries, 由于政府禁止年轻人离境,我无法出席. The village where I live and teach is very remote. Even though it was difficult and expensive to travel to use internet, I was very happy to send my assignments and communicate with my teachers via email. Before internet, sometimes books and lessons were lost or confiscated in the mail. After 12 years of studies at a distance, I am so happy to graduate with a BA Theology

GU BA Theology, Eritrea

Sandra Blackmer

我能给那些考虑在线学习的人最好的建议是制定一个每天和每周的学习计划,并坚持下去. 在完成课程作业的时候不要拖延,否则你可能会完全放弃. The professors are excellent—very instructive and helpful. The overall program provides a quality learning environment.

BA General Studies: English, USA

Tanya Thomas

Being a single mother, 上帝通过bet365中文大学的力量给了我一个更加充实和繁荣的未来的希望. My advisor has always been available; this really makes a difference. Andrews Online is convenient and a blessing, but it takes hard work and dedication as you must manage your time wisely.

Certificate in Discipleship, USA

Isaac Nicolao

Starting my Andrews program at a distance allowed me to study as I was able to pay. With many courses finished online, I came to complete my degree on campus in one year. 这所基督复临大学是最好的,课程丰富,有很多合格的讲师. I studied by God's grace. To me this opportunity was like saying I was lost but now I am found.

BA Religion, Tanzania

Luis Martinez

Finding the Andrews online program opened an opportunity to complete my degree. It was the right moment in my life. I put all my effort into overcoming obstacles. Completing my studies built confidence and made new employment options possible.

BA Religion, Puerto Rico

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